Does an expert need to know everything or will they be just as, if not more, impactful, being humble and admitting their flaws?
Adam Grant, organizational psychologist and author of “Hidden Potential” and “Think Again,” led this discussion in an Instagram post in which he said: “What leads us to experts isn’t their knowledge. It’s their arrogance. Evidence: Scientists are more credible when they admit what they don’t know, acknowledge what they got wrong, and update their views. Trust is earned by expressing humility, not by asserting authority.”
This sparked a variety of responses, including those who wholeheartedly agreed with the sentiment: “Such a great reminder that being right isn’t as important as being human. Admitting your mistakes and committing to do better is the very thing that earns respect.”
And those who believe experts earned their right to be confident: “Perceiving experts as arrogant is a defense mechanism of the uneducated.”
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
